The Mix Mapper is a planning tool your IPGH agency will use to gain client alignment on new marketing areas to explore, and what "level" of ideas are needed for this tactical planning season (think block and tackle versus big ideas).

Key Questions to Answer

icon brilliant

Brilliant Basics

It’s block and tackle, flawlessly executed.

icon best

Best of Its Kind

It’s a best-in-class standard tactic that will shape the category.

Example: World’s Smallest Booth

icon first

First of Its Kind

It’s an unprecedented first that inspires the entire industry.

Example: Sickbeats

Ready to put your Mix into practice? The Mix Mapper is a handy tool that allows you to map your ideal mix of tactics to your Strategic Imperatives and Communication Strategies, viewing them all at a glance.

Contact your agency Account lead to get started on your Mix Mapper

Download it here